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Graduate student






(1) List of required documents
① Only for Chinese(★)
② For foreigners other than Chinese(★)
(2) Application form and other required documents
(Available to fill in the form in English or in Korean)
① Application Form(★)
② Recommendation Form(★)
- Two recommendation letters from your home professors
③ Study plan(★)
④ Release of Information Form(★)
⑤ Remittance receipt : must enclose when you remit application fee
※ (★) Download on the website of Graduate School
5) Notification for Mandatory signing health insurance
(1) Students who have to sign : All International freshmen

(If you have the Korean National Health Insurance, submit the copy of National Health Insurance book)
(2) Period and way to sign : Apply for insurance every six months while in
graduate school / Payment with tuition fee
6) The special scholarship for full-time doctoral course student
(1) Requirements for applicant
* The score of master’s course should be above 90 out of 100 or 4.0 out of
* Foreign language proficiency: TOPIK(Test of Proficiency in Korean) Level
5(Humanities/Social Science), TOPIK Level 4(Natural science, Engineering) or
TOEFL PBT 550, CBT 210, IBT 80, IELTS 5.5, TEPS 550
* The student from non-OECD countries will be given priority.
(2) Applicant should pass the separate examination for this scholarship.
(3) Detailed contents: The scholarship of 100% of tuition fee for 4 semesters

(4) After passing examination, student should do full-time research and the
score in doctoral course should be above 4.0 out of 4.5 in every semester

and student should write an additional research paper to graduate.
(5) If applicant wants to apply for this scholarship, please consult graduate
school before applying.

大连市高新区黄浦路596号阳光数码大厦11层  0086-411-82645571